The ultimate GA4 add-on
for better reports

The ultimate GA4 add-on
for actionable insights

The ultimate GA4 add-on
for quick answers

The easiest way
to use your GA4 data

An app for more powerful reports, quicker answers, and better results.

You're In Good Company


Simple scorecards, killer analysis tools, and proactive alerts on top of your GA4 data in BigQuery

Save time with powerful scorecards that show what matters and what's driving it.

Get instant answers with automated analysis, easy exploration, and quick comparisons.

Save budget and time spent hiring BI teams or contractors. No need to write SQL or build custom exploration dashboards.

Your data team will love it - the data lives in your warehouse!

I'm floored. This is what GA4 could have been. I don't know why Google missed, but these guys didn't.

Tyler St. Clair
Lead Analytics Consultant
adMind Analytics

BigQUERY Power...

Get the raw power of unsampled data without writing SQL or being a data scientist.

Make a segment from anything. E.g. no page categories in your data collection? No problem. Categorize those pages.

Reprocess historical data for instant results and analysis. If you can infer it, no waiting for engineering to get new data collected.

Data teams love it - the resulting data lives in your warehouse! And the generated SQL is extendable and exportable. No brainer.

No data team? No problem. Our fully-hosted option means you'll never have to hear the phrase BigQuery again.

Honestly, getting this data stood up in our BigQuery saved us 6-12 months of work at least... and the price is less than our BigQuery savings!

Jeremy Warfield
Director, Data & Analytics
Solo Stove

No more GA4 on hard mode

Get clean data

Know if your data is decision-ready with a built-in quality score. Spot and fix issues before they derail your analysis.

Have the answers

With supercharged analyses like "Tell Me What Changed" and "When Did This Start?", you're gonna be the talk of the town.

Be confident

Always-on monitoring to catch missing events, broken parameters, and performance shifts. Trust your data... finally.

Try for Free

For marketers, by marketers

We get it.

Our goal is to make the lives of marketers easier — because we are marketers. A little self-serving? Ya, for sure, but it's true.

We know what it feels like to:

  • try justify our decisions flying half-blind
  • wait on engineering for tracking fixes
  • depend on BI teams for reports
  • struggle with system discrepancies we can't control
  • get blasted when tracking breaks without us knowing
  • spend more time fixing data than actually marketing

Too real? We don't think so. Join us on the journey to better.

How It Works

Wanna know what is going on under the hood?

Check out our product overview: